Friday, January 17, 2014

You Are Here

Welcome to the New Year! We hope to be actually blogging weekly now. (I say hope because we are really freaking terrible at it, whoops) But, anyway, we have some cool things in the works. We think that you'll really like it, and can't wait for you to see it! We are going to have a new set up on the blog, our salutation and announcement section, a basic run down of all the shows we watch, and then we will go in depth about the one we both really liked from the current week.

We're going to talk about our shows too. (woop, woop, Sherlock is coming back on the 19th!) We watch Arrow, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of Shield, Teen Wolf, Almost Human, Sherlock, Psych, Being Human (UK, from my end, and US, for the both of us, I am only just starting season 3 on Netflix, and McKenna is finished with season 2, but hasn't kept up.) and McKenna watches Elementary and The Walking Dead. We have finished Merlin, and still love it. I watch Once Upon a Time, when it returns, which I am excited, but kind of scared for, because, UGH, that mid season finale! I also love Chuck! Don't be afraid to start up conversations about each show (keep it respectful) in the comments below, since we would love to talk to you guys! (We don't bite, no worries!)

 So, this week, our favorite episode was "You Are Here" (Almost Human). We are really intrigued about this future society, but our main question is how this society is literate, since they were surprised to see a pen, clearly it is no longer a common object that haunts the recesses of everyone's junk drawers. I mean, we know that it is 2048, and it is a highly technical society, and "ancient" technology such as a manual writing instrument would be something that school children would see in a class trip to the museum. (Sidenote: I was in LA recently and I saw an iPhone Gen 1 in the history museum there. Do you feel kind of old? Because I do.) Even today, children are walking around with iPads, iPhones, and various other gadgets that I didn't even have until I was in high school! So, clearly, we are advancing toward a society like the one we see in Almost Human quickly. I like that they showed Kennex writing the letter at the end, perhaps physically writing something down is a dying art, which makes it that much more special, for a guy who doesn't like to get in touch with his emotions.

Stay tuned every Friday for more fun with us!
Morgan and McKenna

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