The Girls of Gower Street
The ramblings and adventures of two geeky girls. Enjoy our musings on Sherlock, Legend of Korra, Merlin, and more!
Friday, January 31, 2014
Again, we didn't have any single episode this week that blew our minds. But, we highly enjoyed drunk Sherlock and John, but mostly Sherlock. (Egg, chair, sitty-thing) During the guessing game scene, we think that they just turned on the cameras, told them to have fun and then the crew went and took a coffee break. It was also a study in how to give the most awkward best man speech the world has ever seen. There many "awww"s coming from the couch, as well as second hand embarrassment for both John and Sherlock. Also, can we talk about Dean from Harry Potter? He grew up nice! There's no way magic was not used on that set, as the entire young cast grew up so nicely.
We are still playing our way through Twilight Princess. Thus far tonight, we have completed SnowPeak Ruins, and are well on our way to completing the Temple of Time. Neither of them were hard, they were just tedious as all get out. Ugh, words can not describe my dislike for tedious, time consuming temples. But, it only means we are two steps closer to the end of this game! Hopefully, we'll be able to find another awesome game to play our way through for you!
See you next week!
Friday, January 24, 2014
Arbiter's Grounds
This week has been uneventful... unless you count the emotional damage caused but Sleepy Hollow's season finale on Monday, the below freezing temperatures in our small college town, and just the sheer exhaustion caused by sickness and school.
My point being that it hasn't been a fun week for us at all, which is why, when it came time to post, Morgan and I did nothing but continue to play our game of Twilight Princess. Which we started about 3 years ago. And beat the Arbiter's Grounds (Desert Temple) the first time around. There was much yelling from the both of us, me standing with the controllers and jumping up and down, and overall, relaxed hanging that we both really needed. But I think you all understand that feeling.
Overall, we weren't overly excited about any TV show this week, despite Sherlock Season 3 premiering on PBS last Sunday. They were all very good episodes, but none really stood out above the rest. However, as we debate weather or not we will make an appearance again at Dragon*Con (torn because next semester is Morgan's last, so she'll be super busy), we are trying to narrow down our shows to determine our cosplay. Best part though, we have, someone who is interested in coming with us, so we could do an even bigger (by one person) group cosplay; I think that it would be so much fun! And speaking of cosplay...
So, Morgan and I agree wholeheartedly agree that our Femlock is a bit underrated. Plan to fix that? Big, fat YES! Better pictures will be taken. Multiple angles of footage. And- well, that's a surprise! :P
Hope to see you all next week,
Friday, January 17, 2014
You Are Here
We're going to talk about our shows too. (woop, woop, Sherlock is coming back on the 19th!) We watch Arrow, Sleepy Hollow, Agents of Shield, Teen Wolf, Almost Human, Sherlock, Psych, Being Human (UK, from my end, and US, for the both of us, I am only just starting season 3 on Netflix, and McKenna is finished with season 2, but hasn't kept up.) and McKenna watches Elementary and The Walking Dead. We have finished Merlin, and still love it. I watch Once Upon a Time, when it returns, which I am excited, but kind of scared for, because, UGH, that mid season finale! I also love Chuck! Don't be afraid to start up conversations about each show (keep it respectful) in the comments below, since we would love to talk to you guys! (We don't bite, no worries!)
So, this week, our favorite episode was "You Are Here" (Almost Human). We are really intrigued about this future society, but our main question is how this society is literate, since they were surprised to see a pen, clearly it is no longer a common object that haunts the recesses of everyone's junk drawers. I mean, we know that it is 2048, and it is a highly technical society, and "ancient" technology such as a manual writing instrument would be something that school children would see in a class trip to the museum. (Sidenote: I was in LA recently and I saw an iPhone Gen 1 in the history museum there. Do you feel kind of old? Because I do.) Even today, children are walking around with iPads, iPhones, and various other gadgets that I didn't even have until I was in high school! So, clearly, we are advancing toward a society like the one we see in Almost Human quickly. I like that they showed Kennex writing the letter at the end, perhaps physically writing something down is a dying art, which makes it that much more special, for a guy who doesn't like to get in touch with his emotions.
Stay tuned every Friday for more fun with us!
Morgan and McKenna
Thursday, December 5, 2013
I'm Always Running Late
Oh, what is that thing in my hand? It's a pencil holder. For a single pencil. Duh. I made it in Design and Manufacturing out of a aluminum stock. I mean, it took me all semester to machine, so I am keeping it... but I don't know what to do with it.
Anyways, as Morgan posted before, we have been keeping up with our TV shows... In fact, let's talk about Arrow. Now, they had Arrow all over the place at Dragon*Con, but at the time, Morgan had no clue what it was, and I had watched only the first 4 episodes when CW was marathoning it one weekend. Then it came out on Netflix. I watched it. Forced Morgan to watch the first episode. We finished the entire first season in less than 2 days. Then Ollie was on my phone...
...Which has all the wonderful special features, including a Gag Reel! So Morgan and I were hitting that up before the new episode last night, but we then realized that we missed the best chance to ever see them at a Con! Gah! Needless to say, we lamented. So then we spent the rest of the night finishing Merlin. Crazy, we know, but the ending was not that unexpected. I mean, have you ever read any of the lore? If not, read this book...
It's wonderful. And helpful. And ruins surprises in BBC's Merlin.
So, Legend of Korra ended (without any scenes with Zuko, BOO) and I believe Morgan and I can agree that we didn't care for this season as much. Sleepy Hollow is the freaking bomb, and if it gets cancelled because of FOX's ignorance, just like Firefly, I just might throw a fit. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will kill me if Fitz and Simmons become a couple, because Joss will harm them, and I cannot cope without their science bickering...
Anywho, I'll sign off for now. Hopefully Morgan will post soon to recount the things I missed.
See ya'll later!
Monday, October 7, 2013
Better Cancel the Fishtank
It's been another week in our lives and now, this upcoming week will be just as difficult as the last. When did we become adults?
But, we still made time for our TV shows, obviously. We take any mental break we can get. Most of our Korra watching is full of us breaking out our "big sister voices" when Korra is burning yet another, really valuable, bridge to yet another person who loves her. Sleepy Hollow made me want to never sleep again (and McKenna agrees with me), that Sandman was creepy. I don't know about you, but I could watch an hour of Crane trying to figure out modern technology and trying to figure out our crazy modern government. SHIELD was good, still not over how precious Fitz is! And how about that awesome cameo! (Better cancel the fishtank). I also plowed my way through Supernatural season 8 on Netflix in preparation for season 9 which premieres this week. I still don't know what my feelings are doing after that...
So, that's another week in the life of Morgan and McKenna, now we just have to deal with midterms galore! Wish us luck!
Monday, September 30, 2013
Things are Eska-lating Quickly!
So, papers, tests, quizzes, and life as college students in general has really hit us hard. We are at that point in the semester when things are going full steam ahead and we have had hardly any time for ourselves.
Ok, on with the good things. Legend of Korra started up again, which was super exciting for us both! Things are ESKAlating quickly (see what I did there?). Also, Agents of SHIELD looks super promising, especially if they keep the heavy doses of Joss Whedon's snark and all the references. Did anyone else freak out when they saw Shepherd Book? Because I did, I'll admit I screamed "BOOK!" at my TV. Thank goodness my roommates weren't home, that would have been difficult to explain...We have started watching Sleepy Hollow as well. I hope it does well, the first two episodes held promise.
Anywho, that is an update to prove we are alive and the shows we are watching and hopefully, we'll talk about them on a weekly basis ftom now on.
Thanks for reading my rambles!
Sunday, September 8, 2013
Dragon*Con photos!
Sylvester McCoy (Radagast), Graham McTavish (Dwalin), and William Kircher (Bifur) from The Hobbit.
Natalia Tena, also known as Tonks from Harry Potter and Osha from Game of Thrones.
The one photo we had taken of ourselves. (After we couldn't get into the Agents of SHIELD panel, boo...)
You can't really tell, but I am straight up cheesin' for these next two pictures because I really love otters! (Also, we felt the need to take pictures with otters, for Otter!lock reasons)
He moved right as I took the picture..
I forgot my flash was on...sorry, sleepy otter!
McKenna looks like she is telling a scary story.
We really enjoyed the dramatic reading of Star Wars in the style of Shakespeare.
We had a fantastic time at Dragon*Con, and I wish I had more pictures to prove it. Ah, c'est la vie. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the pictures.