Oh, what is that thing in my hand? It's a pencil holder. For a single pencil. Duh. I made it in Design and Manufacturing out of a aluminum stock. I mean, it took me all semester to machine, so I am keeping it... but I don't know what to do with it.
Anyways, as Morgan posted before, we have been keeping up with our TV shows... In fact, let's talk about Arrow. Now, they had Arrow all over the place at Dragon*Con, but at the time, Morgan had no clue what it was, and I had watched only the first 4 episodes when CW was marathoning it one weekend. Then it came out on Netflix. I watched it. Forced Morgan to watch the first episode. We finished the entire first season in less than 2 days. Then Ollie was on my phone...
And then we realized that the second season was premiering, and started watching that every week together. Since I have a semi-background in DC (due to Teen Titans and Young Justice), I have a giggly fit nearly every episode about all the 'surprises' on the show. And I think that I may talk about Arrow too much because I got this wonderful gift from our friend Callie the other day...
...Which has all the wonderful special features, including a Gag Reel! So Morgan and I were hitting that up before the new episode last night, but we then realized that we missed the best chance to ever see them at a Con! Gah! Needless to say, we lamented. So then we spent the rest of the night finishing Merlin. Crazy, we know, but the ending was not that unexpected. I mean, have you ever read any of the lore? If not, read this book...
It's wonderful. And helpful. And ruins surprises in BBC's Merlin.
So, Legend of Korra ended (without any scenes with Zuko, BOO) and I believe Morgan and I can agree that we didn't care for this season as much. Sleepy Hollow is the freaking bomb, and if it gets cancelled because of FOX's ignorance, just like Firefly, I just might throw a fit. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will kill me if Fitz and Simmons become a couple, because Joss will harm them, and I cannot cope without their science bickering...
Anywho, I'll sign off for now. Hopefully Morgan will post soon to recount the things I missed.
See ya'll later!