Monday, September 30, 2013

Things are Eska-lating Quickly!

So, papers, tests, quizzes, and life as college students in general has really hit us hard. We are at that point in the semester when things are going full steam ahead and we have had hardly any time for ourselves.
Ok, on with the good things. Legend of Korra started up again, which was super exciting for us both! Things are ESKAlating quickly (see what I did there?). Also, Agents of SHIELD looks super promising, especially if they keep the heavy doses of Joss Whedon's snark and all the references. Did anyone else freak out when they saw Shepherd Book? Because I did, I'll admit I screamed "BOOK!" at my TV. Thank goodness my roommates weren't home, that would have been difficult to explain...We have  started watching Sleepy Hollow as well. I hope it does well, the first two episodes held promise.
Anywho, that is an update to prove we are alive and the shows we are watching and hopefully, we'll talk about them on a weekly basis ftom now on.

Thanks for reading my rambles!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dragon*Con photos!

 Sylvester McCoy (Radagast), Graham McTavish (Dwalin), and William Kircher (Bifur) from The Hobbit.

 Natalia Tena, also known as Tonks from Harry Potter and Osha from Game of Thrones.
 The one photo we had taken of ourselves. (After we couldn't get into the Agents of SHIELD panel, boo...)
 You can't really tell, but I am straight up cheesin' for these next two pictures because I really love otters! (Also, we felt the need to take pictures with otters, for Otter!lock reasons)

 He moved right as I took the picture..

 I forgot my flash was on...sorry, sleepy otter!

 McKenna looks like she is telling a scary story.

We really enjoyed the dramatic reading of Star Wars in the style of Shakespeare.

We had a fantastic time at Dragon*Con, and I wish I had more pictures to prove it. Ah, c'est la vie. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the pictures.


Friday, September 6, 2013

So, A Brief Look into Dragon*Con...

Guys, I am so sorry it took this long for us to post again, but between the amount of homework that needed doing and the 45 MINUTES of RECORDED VIDEO, the length of time was needed to post a proper text and a 5 minute video. Sorry if the video is a little choppy as well, but as mentioned above, there was too much video to go through!

But anyways, we had a ton of fun at Dragon*Con. Hopefully when our lives slow down again, we can talk more about what we saw and did. However, Morgan and I can both agree that these two ladies below...

... are the absolute best people ever! Thank you so much for calling out to us, and we both really enjoyed your cosplay as well! 

However, until our lives get somewhat easier, I hope ya'll can enjoy the video below.

See you all later!