Thursday, December 5, 2013

I'm Always Running Late

Well, welcome back everyone! Or maybe I should just say, we're back! Semester is winding to an exciting end, and I know I would rather write a new blog post than study. And since I am no longer working on this thing....

... I could finally fix up the aesthetic problems on this blog. Especially since we are going to shamelessly promote our Femlock pictures on Pinterest. Why? Because we were damn fine looking. Deal with it!

Oh, what is that thing in my hand? It's a pencil holder. For a single pencil. Duh. I made it in Design and Manufacturing out of a aluminum stock. I mean, it took me all semester to machine, so I am keeping it... but I don't know what to do with it.

Anyways, as Morgan posted before, we have been keeping up with our TV shows... In fact, let's talk about Arrow. Now, they had Arrow all over the place at Dragon*Con, but at the time, Morgan had no clue what it was, and I had watched only the first 4 episodes when CW was marathoning it one weekend. Then it came out on Netflix. I watched it. Forced Morgan to watch the first episode. We finished the entire first season in less than 2 days. Then Ollie was on my phone...

And then we realized that the second season was premiering, and started watching that every week together. Since I have a semi-background in DC (due to Teen Titans and Young Justice), I have a giggly fit nearly every episode about all the 'surprises' on the show. And I think that I may talk about Arrow too much because I got this wonderful gift from our friend Callie the other day...

...Which has all the wonderful special features, including a Gag Reel! So Morgan and I were hitting that up before the new episode last night, but we then realized that we missed the best chance to ever see them at a Con! Gah! Needless to say, we lamented. So then we spent the rest of the night finishing Merlin. Crazy, we know, but the ending was not that unexpected. I mean, have you ever read any of the lore? If not, read this book...

It's wonderful. And helpful. And ruins surprises in BBC's Merlin.

So, Legend of Korra ended (without any scenes with Zuko, BOO) and I believe Morgan and I can agree that we didn't care for this season as much. Sleepy Hollow is the freaking bomb, and if it gets cancelled because of FOX's ignorance, just like Firefly, I just might throw a fit. Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. will kill me if Fitz and Simmons become a couple, because Joss will harm them, and I cannot cope without their science bickering...

Anywho, I'll sign off for now. Hopefully Morgan will post soon to recount the things I missed.

See ya'll later!


Monday, October 7, 2013

Better Cancel the Fishtank

   It's been another week in our lives and now, this upcoming week will be just as difficult as the last. When did we become adults?
   But, we still made time for our TV shows, obviously. We take any mental break we can get. Most of our Korra watching is full of us breaking out our "big sister voices" when Korra is burning yet another, really valuable, bridge to yet another person who loves her. Sleepy Hollow made me want to never sleep again (and McKenna agrees with me), that Sandman was creepy. I don't know about you, but I could watch an hour of Crane trying to figure out modern technology and trying to figure out our crazy modern government. SHIELD was good, still not over how precious Fitz is! And how about that awesome cameo! (Better cancel the fishtank). I also plowed my way through Supernatural season 8 on Netflix in preparation for season 9 which premieres this week. I still don't know what my feelings are doing after that...
   So, that's another week in the life of Morgan and McKenna, now we just have to deal with midterms galore! Wish us luck!

Monday, September 30, 2013

Things are Eska-lating Quickly!

So, papers, tests, quizzes, and life as college students in general has really hit us hard. We are at that point in the semester when things are going full steam ahead and we have had hardly any time for ourselves.
Ok, on with the good things. Legend of Korra started up again, which was super exciting for us both! Things are ESKAlating quickly (see what I did there?). Also, Agents of SHIELD looks super promising, especially if they keep the heavy doses of Joss Whedon's snark and all the references. Did anyone else freak out when they saw Shepherd Book? Because I did, I'll admit I screamed "BOOK!" at my TV. Thank goodness my roommates weren't home, that would have been difficult to explain...We have  started watching Sleepy Hollow as well. I hope it does well, the first two episodes held promise.
Anywho, that is an update to prove we are alive and the shows we are watching and hopefully, we'll talk about them on a weekly basis ftom now on.

Thanks for reading my rambles!

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Dragon*Con photos!

 Sylvester McCoy (Radagast), Graham McTavish (Dwalin), and William Kircher (Bifur) from The Hobbit.

 Natalia Tena, also known as Tonks from Harry Potter and Osha from Game of Thrones.
 The one photo we had taken of ourselves. (After we couldn't get into the Agents of SHIELD panel, boo...)
 You can't really tell, but I am straight up cheesin' for these next two pictures because I really love otters! (Also, we felt the need to take pictures with otters, for Otter!lock reasons)

 He moved right as I took the picture..

 I forgot my flash was on...sorry, sleepy otter!

 McKenna looks like she is telling a scary story.

We really enjoyed the dramatic reading of Star Wars in the style of Shakespeare.

We had a fantastic time at Dragon*Con, and I wish I had more pictures to prove it. Ah, c'est la vie. Anyway, hoped you enjoyed the pictures.


Friday, September 6, 2013

So, A Brief Look into Dragon*Con...

Guys, I am so sorry it took this long for us to post again, but between the amount of homework that needed doing and the 45 MINUTES of RECORDED VIDEO, the length of time was needed to post a proper text and a 5 minute video. Sorry if the video is a little choppy as well, but as mentioned above, there was too much video to go through!

But anyways, we had a ton of fun at Dragon*Con. Hopefully when our lives slow down again, we can talk more about what we saw and did. However, Morgan and I can both agree that these two ladies below...

... are the absolute best people ever! Thank you so much for calling out to us, and we both really enjoyed your cosplay as well! 

However, until our lives get somewhat easier, I hope ya'll can enjoy the video below.

See you all later!

Saturday, August 31, 2013

Life is Difficult

Ok guys. Unfortunately, Morgan and I manged to get a hotel with no wifi, and if that wasn't bad enough, our blog wasn't recieving the text updates that we were sending it. Boo!!! Because of these circumstances, we will not be able to post videos during the Con. Please bear with us, as we will post everything when we go back home.

In addition, Morgan and I had technical diffculties with the car cam, so that didn't happen according to plan either. Oops. But we won't give up just yet! We are here to have fun this weekend, and fun is what we are doing.

Today has been a busy day already, but Morgan and I are starting to realize how small the Sherlock fandom is in America, or at least the south. From the reactions we have seen so far, only about 10 people have recognized us as "Sherlock and John". It makes us a little sad, but as stated before, we are still enjoying ourselves with all the panels. So suck it! (via psych)


Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fandoms and Hair Dye

As we spiral ever closer to Dragon*Con, we decided to do a brief video so that all you lovely people can get to know a little bit more about Morgan and me. We will be the first to admit that we are very strange, but we see no reason why you shouldn't miss out on our shenanigans!

Besides that bit of chaos, Morgan and I are fully prepared as of now! We have determined which outfits look go together, how to pose for pictures, and have our cards to give out so that we can get a copy of the pictures anyone takes. And, of course, we are so pumped to just be going.

Guys, this is it! It's Dragon*Con Time!


Tuesday, August 27, 2013

It's Getting Closer!

  So, we're three days away from the first night of Dragon Con and things are really falling together well. We coordinated outfits and bought a few last minute items (I'll give you a small preview of our first video: hair dye was a purchase!).
  My hope is that we meet some people who truly enjoy our cosplay and that we have tons of fun. Also, our first video should be coming up soon, most likely Wednesday or Thursday, so if you are interested, there will be a link on the blog page, and it will be up on Youtube too.
  Another thing coming to the blog is a segment we like to call "Frozen Yogurt and Body Counts". This started as a wondering of how many bodies actually pile up in TV shows. We started with the 3rd season of Teen Wolf, which had 14 (or 215, if you count the Glen Capri suicides) total deaths. I recently got McKenna to watch Merlin with me (I've seen up to the 4th season, but know all that happens anyway...stupid Tumblr and Pinterest) and we'll tell you the first season tally when we complete it soon. Hopefully, this can be a recurring thing in our blog!

See you soon!
Morgan (Sherley)

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Countdown to DragonCon

Ok, if you read our description, you know we are female Sherlock and John cosplayers. But if you are wondering about the blog name and how it pertains to Sherlock, we have a reason. For those of you who do not know, the Baker Street of the show is actually not Baker Street, but North Gower. We used that (not only for the alliteration), but as a nod to the production. We are heading to Atlanta this year for DragonCon, armed with purple shirts, scarves, cell phones, and (water)guns. It's nine days out from DragonCon and everything is getting put into place for our time there. We have been preparing for this since February and we are getting really excited. We will be around the Brit track a lot, as well as the video game, Star Wars, Star Trek, and the Middle Earth tracks. We hope to meet some awesome people. Also, we would love to see any photos and videos you take of us while we're there, so send them to

Sherley and Johanna